Tuesday 30 December 2008

love is the end.

And when i was drowning in that holy water,
All i could think of was you.
ive been thinking, only for the past couple of minutes, about how little ive done this year. A load of shit has happened to me and my family, ive changed alot, become a different person (ive bin countless people this year) but i can't recall actually doing anything.
Well apart from ruining my parent's holiday, and probably that of those who went with us; getting close to being chucked out of the house on countless occasions; breaking things - new phones, cameras etc; spending far oo much money on clothing i have only worn once, blah blah blaaaah.
i suppose the only thing i have done is become more outgoing, louder, less retarded, less SOCIALLY retarded (yes, i do now have what can be passed as a social life), i have acquired white hair, and a strange side burn thing which i fucking hate and at which i am very angry at myself for cutting my hair off. i have become more of a daydream, lazy, probably what most people would call self centered, but its not its distracted in my case.
i do hope this upcoming year will bring me more contentment with my life.
and after reading how much our vicks did last year, im setting my goals out infront of me. although i know before i start that my list will definetly not be as long!
1) get a bf, yes i want one.
2) grow the fuck up.
3) grow out my hair, and stop DIYing it.
4) DONT loose weight, be happy in my own skin.
5) be more healthy.
6) prioritise money and time.
8) stop drinking.
9) focus on college.
10) into a university down in london.
11) smile more.
12) walk more.
13) live in the moment, and stop worrying.
so yeah, definetly not as long as victoria's :L
i'll probably blog tomorrow, eventhough i have to get more work done. today's session only made slight progress, but every little helps.
choclit time (:

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