Thursday 1 January 2009

DICK faus-pas.

okay so, ermmm new year was SHITE. i won't go into too much details - too much cider, very unpractical outfit, everyone was sexed up, one particular testoserone fueled male, and sleep deprivation. parties? not really my thing...
after amy had a fry up and a couple of hours of sleep (its actually a full blown miracle i got home in such good time), we all went out for a meal at ASK, and from there, the Panto.
It was so good, totty was brilliant. too brilliant.
we went into the bar afterwards and me and the mother start talking loudly about the hott guy who played dick turpin. 'i like a man in britches', says she; 'yeah, bit of bum action', says I. only to find, a few minutes later, he walks past and low and behold, had been sat behind us during the WHOLE conversation.
anyway, the start of the new year has given me nothing but a hangover and tummy ache, therefore, not a very good start. i think i'll just sit this out in my room until 2010?

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