Wednesday 2 December 2009

2009-2010 checklist.

OKAY, im re-veiwing this list now because if i leave it until the new year, i will forget. so here goes...
1) get a bf, yes i want one. CHECK
2) grow the fuck up. HAHAHAHAHAH, we'll leave this one till next year i think...
3) grow out my hair, and stop DIYing it. CHECK, my hair is on the road to repair ;)
4) DONT loose weight, be happy in my own skin. CHECK. i heart curves ;)
5) be more healthy. NNNNNNOPE. i am mentally, but i eat shit and smoke. i eat less i suppose, and i dont snack which is probably why i havent put on weight, because im just living on carbs at the mo hahahah. LOVES IT.
6) prioritise money and time. CHECK, college work and fuel money are certainly well prioritised now. and well HELLLLOOOO charity shops and bargain bins ;) ;)
8) stop drinking. BAHAAHAHAHHA, NEXT!
9) focus on college. CHECK. heart college ;)
10) into a university down in london. watch this space...
11) smile more. CHECK, fran, courtney, vic, cam, helen...ich leibe dich
12) walk more. :/ NOPE, but ohh car I DO LOVE YOU.
13) live in the moment, and stop worrying. YUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. CHECK.

i love anti-depressants.

1 comment:

  1. ich mag nicht, wie die Tatsache, dass jesus ein mensch war. ich ueberpruefte die Biebel, nur damit ich es weiss.
